A Path, His Presence, and Pleasures Forevermore

“Thou wilt show me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”
~Psalm 16:11

The first time I read this verse as a new Christian, it was written on the back of a photograph of my pastor’s 15 year old daughter. She had just blessed me with her newest photo of herself and this was her “life verse.” I was 20, but just a babe in her presence. Her love for Jesus spilled out of her mouth and continues to do so even now. She serves now on the mission field in the Australian Outback. (Pray for her and her sweet family, if God leads you today.)

I have come to love this verse.

What is your favorite verse today? What verse is God speaking to you through today?

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