Gratitude… Catching Up Once Again

116. Little boys -well, not quite so little anymore- excited about Lego
117. Plans cancelled making way for a day of catching up
118. a girlie little girl
119. watching the fascination on the face of one in the tub while playing with bubbles
120. the calming and encouraging voice supporting me
121. in my first ever jump into being an “independent consultant” for Blessings Unlimited
122. the one in the tub saying, “I’m a whale, Mom! You can pet me!” with chin resting on the edge of tub
123. “I like this house, it is painted.”
124. freshly mopped floors
125. The scent of Peach Mango wafting from two freshly bathed Goldens
126. bloggers met at Relevant becoming facebook friends
127. that my kids enjoy watching a good musical with their mom
128. that they have been wandering the house singing softly -and not so softly- “the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain…” and “jus’ ew wait ‘enry ‘iggins, jus’ ew wait!…”
129. My only brown-eyed little boy, another year older
130. ‘Connecting’ with another pastor’s wife
131. God’s continued promises, reminding me of His good thoughts toward me
132. the help of a husband enabling me to check things off my ‘to do’ list
133. A husband’s quiet reminder, from the pulpit, that His mercies are new every morning, “…I’m smelling coffee, birds are singing just outside. I see your mercy, streaming in with the morning light…” (~Chris Rice)
134. one ‘getting on board’ with ‘gazelle intensity’
135. God’s wisdom pouring through a pastor’s preaching
136. filled with biblical TRUTH and not personal opinion
137. the little one won the potty training race! (thankfully the one with two legs, not four… the one with four needs to step up and do her duty ….OUTSIDE!!)
138. soft little girl hair that smells like strawberries
139. the feel of hardwood floors under my feet
140. grace, God’s, straight from him, and extended to me through others

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto
God and the Father in the name of our Lord JesusChrist;”
~Ephesians 5:19&20

Linking up again with Ann Voskamp’s Gratitude Community today.

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