Gratitude: And THE LIST Grows Longer…

306. “Look! I braided my hair all by myself!” and she did a great job too!
307. snow blankets on fields
308. tree skeletons frosted white with snow
309. the “crunch” of snow underfoot
310. the “oatmeal-peach-mango” scent of two freshly bathed dogs
311. Carmel Brulee Latte, a tasty Starbucks gift from my love
312. bloggers willing to answer odd questions and help another blogger out
313. this morning’s sunrise
314. this morning’s sonrise, already singing at the kitchen table
315. a sweet sister-in-love letting me know my parents have just started the long drive home
316. the education I received sitting under Pastor Ron Fenwick’s preaching
317. the education I receive sitting under my husband’s preaching
318. the education I get at home… I get 24/7 access to all that knowledge God has put in his head 🙂
319. a good friend taking time to check my links
320. they work now… (now I have quite a bit of tweeking to do to make it more interesting)

Linking up at Ann Voskamp’s A Holy Experience today. Come and join our gratitude community!

Hiking Toward Home