Welcome! Welcome! Come On In!!

So glad to have you in my new home!

In celebrating my blog’s 2nd Blogiversary and my 40th birthday I decided to treat myself to a new space. So I have left blogspot behind, bought my own URL, and moved up to a self-hosted wordpress blog.

Just like moving into a new house, it may take awhile to get things decorated and hung on the walls. I am enjoying setting things up and tweeking my new template. It is completely customizable and I am having fun with it. Just like when you own a house you can paint a room at whim… well, I get to do that here… If I feel like it. One never knows!

One reason I chose to move is to do a bit more photographically, like cool slideshows as seen in the new header.

You can follow on facebook or twitter located on the sliding drawer labeled “connect”.

I owe a huge debt to John the Tentblogger. Who held my hand through the process and helped me when it seemed I was in over my head. He is a BLOG GURU. Go subscribe to his site!!

I praise God that he had John step up and help me out.

Hiking Toward Home