Gratitude: Making Lasting Changes and Habits

At the first of the year, my 2011 resolution was to blog more consistently and every Monday at the very least.

I fell off the Gratitude boat, here on the blog, two weeks ago.

So here I am, trying to catch up and keep my head above water and climb back aboard.

Really, I didn’t do too bad with keeping that New Year’s Resolution. I made it to mid-April. If my Resolution was to exercise or loose weight I would not have made it a week! This is the longest I have kept up with one.

It is all about setting firm new habits isn’t it? (See #739 below.) New habits take more than just thinking warm fuzzy thoughts about the change desired.

Isn’t it funny that one misses a habit twice and all of a sudden it is like you feel like you are starting all over at the beginning again?

So here I go again… Linking up with Ann Voskamp’s Multitudes on Mondays


721. tulips

722. a husband who doesn’t mow down the meadow while it is blooming

723. the backyard meadow, strewn with color; yellow, violet, and pink

724. the scent of wisteria and boxwood

725. being told to take my time coming home

726. the freedom to double dip in the ranch-salsa dip

727. spicy-lime grilled shrimp

728. children who hold and hug while tears spill all ugly

729. they are loving and compassionate and sensitive when hearts break and hurt disables

730. the realization that they didn’t get that way all on their own…

731. “I must have done something good, nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could…”

732. I grew up with Julia as Maria

733. God brings things to mind as you need them

734. “Gifts he bestows. This writing it down- it is sort of like… unwrapping love.” ~Page 45, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

735. Emily Freeman of Chatting at the Sky, the reason I began blogging… “Tuesdays Unwrapped” To learn to focus on the positive… God has been showing this to me over and over for several years now… and it still is not an automatic response or habit. Must keep practicing. Must keep practicing.

736. “I see again frames of the day, a life album in miniature.” ~Page 46, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Oh yes, another great reason for my Gratitude list and this blog.

737. foxglove

738. “a medicinal bloom for heart failure. I remember reading that of foxgloves, a heart strengthener.” ~Page 42 One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

739. “I may have always known that change takes real intentionality, like a woman bent over her garden beds everyday with a spade and the determined will to grow up something good to strengthen the heart. I may even have known that change requires more than warm fuzzy thoughts…” ~Page 43 One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

740. curled little toes slipping into pink crops

741. the softness of organic cotton

742. she requested her own copy of One Thousand Gifts

743. to see the Holy Spirit work through her

744. James 1:2-5

745. She signed it with “count it all joy”

746. His mercies are new every morning, Praise the Lord

747. He forgives the messy, fall apart, lost it ugly… instantly.

748. He walks with you right through all that ugly,

749. and still loves you and holds you close,

750. and never forsakes you.

Hiking Toward Home