Humility and Gratitude

I have been hiking in grace now for almost twenty-two years. In all that time, last night was the first time I had ever witnessed deacons being ordained.

What a blessing it was to witness such public humility.

Following the example of Jesus Christ as he (as the ‘current’ leadership’ – for lack of other words to describe it) washed the feet of the new leadership – the disciples. The current deacons publicly washed the feet of the newly chosen deacons.

What a blessing it was to witness such pubic servanthood.

It is a humbling experience for the one having their feet washed and what a tremendous example set by the leadership of serving those one is called to lead.

It was moving to watch a son wash his father’s feet and a father wash his son’s feet.

As the current deacons gathered behind each of the new deacons and laid hands on them and prayed over them, the Senior Pastor moved down the line, laying hands on each one, praying aloud for each man, their wives, and children and their future ministry serving in the capacity as deacon for this body of Christ.

At the end of the time of prayer the leadership welcomed their new co-laborers with hearty handshakes, bear hugs, and much back slapping.

What a blessing it was to witness such a public display  of brotherly love.

Something that stands out about this community of believers to me is that very manly, godly men don’t shy away from bear hugging one another. They have a sincere brotherly love for one another and aren’t afraid to publicly show it.

What a blessing to be part of this body of Christ followers.

I am very grateful and thankful that God has allowed us to be a part of this church.


1868. our church

1869. the house the Lord allows us to live in

1870. watching from across the room as she discusses her latest book conquest, so animated and with genuine excitement in her eyes…

1871. …with the one who lent her the books

1872. our worship team has grown with the welcomed addition of a husband and wife…

1873. …bringing a fuller sound to our team

1874. the “chills” when the blend of voices is harmoniously tight

1875. a huge pile of crunchy leaves

1876. their laughter as they jump into them

1877. …and bury each other AND the dogs deep in the leaves

1878. dogs willing to endure the children’s fun

1879. hoarfrost in the early morning

1880. obedient dogs joining me on my walk in the crisp morning air

1881. the crunch of walking on frost encased grass

1882. white frost on brilliant red berries

1883. their safe trip through thick fog

1884. the close friendship of “the diva” 🙂

1885. and her husband who is such a great ‘big brother’

1886. David’s music quietly filling the room as men labored in prayer

1887. the friendship of his wife

1888. CP’s southern drawl

1889. rainbow around the moon

1890. her seated on the floor intently reading between tall stacks of books in the library

Linking up the gratitude community over at Ann’s

Linking up with Michelle too!

Hiking Toward Home