Recovery and Gratitude

Just an update for everyone on my recovery.

On Monday, April 30, I was T-boned in a CR-V, which was a loaner from a dealership while they were working on my Odyssey.

I praise God for His watch care over me. The airbags and seatbelts did what they were designed for and I came away with nothing broken and no internal injuries or head injuries. Things could have been much more worse than they are.

I am suffering from major whiplash. Whiplash is no joke. I truly though I would be going right back to work, (nothing was broken right?) and boy was I wrong. Today is the second day out from the initial accident and I woke up barely able to turn my head. My neck and back are sore, as are my left shoulder, arm, clavicle, and my left hip. I have bruises where the seatbelt was across my lap. My rib cage hurts and it hurts to breath.

I am truly grateful for all well wishes via text messages and on social media and prayer offered on my behalf. I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of love for me through this ordeal.

I have been blessed by messages from my sisters and brothers in Christ from around the world, including those I have never met in person but I interact with on Instagram. There is a special couple that live in Asia that I look forward to meeting one day in Heaven if I don’t get to meet them here in real life. They are both fantastic photographers and if you want some beautiful shots in your feed go follow them on Instagram, @William_tanhl and his wife, the lovely @MrsJoyful.

The good thing is, I can still use my right arm with no issues so I am hoping to do some painting while I recover.

Thanks again for all the love and prayers.

Hiking Toward Home