Resources For Following Your Dream

In Part 5 of my journey back to art, I mentioned a few books and studies that influenced me to move back toward my art. They all have one message in common: Figure out what your God given talent is and use it! As I was drafting this post it occurred to me that to individually review each one would be rather repetitive due to that fact that they all share the same message presented through words of different people.

One book that got my attention I have mentioned here a lot. You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream; Opening the Door to All God Has for You by Holley Gerth was a wake up call for me in more ways than one. Not only did Holley’s words speak to my heart about pursuing the talent which is God-given but my very own words challenged me as they stared back at me off the page.

The rest of the books and video series are as follows:

Restless by Jennie Allen (book and dvd study)

LIFE after ART by Matt Appling

The Truth Project, a video series produced by Focus on the Family (especially the section specific to Art)

A Million Things by Emily P. Freeman

Finish by Jon Acuff, and his Instagram feed for regular motivation to stick to it.

I was also inspired by a few other bloggers also. You can read about it here where there are links to their specific articles that pushed me along.

I also had a few dear friends question why I had ever given up art to begin with.

One thing I have learned: when God is trying to tell me something or lead me in a particular direction, the message always comes from several unrelated sources. Not just anybody, but from unrelated trusted brothers or sisters in Christ, a message preached, or even a book and the Holy Spirit “highlights” something for you,

Is there anything you are dreaming about? Is God sending you the same message from a variety of places?

Won’t you share about it in the comments below?

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