Gratitude: Multitudes on Monday

101. knowing I am Relevant in Christ, whether anyone else thinks so or not
102. thanking certain people in person, for their ministry
103. realizing a prayer, from years ago and a different side of the earth, was answered
104. a mom willing to ‘road trip’ at a moment’s notice
105. falling more in love with my husband pastor, each time I hear him preach the Word
106. being able to be thankful for double standards set against us
107. for they resulted in our being in the place we are now
108. for the sweetness of a man weeping at the singing of Amazing Grace
109. for it caused my eyes to do the same
110. because “All is grace” and it is amazing
111. for the challenge of being a better blogger
112. for the challenge of blogging only for His Glory
113. for meeting so many people face to face
114. for a beautiful drive in the country
115. to assist someone go back ‘home’ and see where they came from

Linking up with the Gratitude Community hosted by Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience.

Hiking Toward Home