Light For Your Hike, Day 13


Pure white petals and the refreshing drops of new rain.

This picture makes me think of Jesus.

Jesus Christ, the very essence of purity.

“Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:” ~1 Peter 2:22

Jesus Christ, the Living Water.

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst;

but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

~John 4:14

As we believe in Jesus as our Savior,

we become vessels pouring out living water to others…

“He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”

~John 7:38



Light For Your Hike, Day 12

(Yes, at the moment, days 9 through 11 are absent. Forgive? I promise to catch them up.)

However God gave me this, today. For, today. So I will post it, today. 🙂


“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,

whose mind is stayed on thee:

because he trusteth in thee.

Trust ye in the LORD for ever:

for in the LORD JEHOVAH

is everlasting strength:”

~Isaiah 26: 3&4


God has been talking to me a lot about TRUST lately.

That if I am hiking hand-in-hand with fear, I am NOT trusting HIM.

I have been hiking that way for longer than I want to admit.

You know how you can read a verse over and over, and know a verse exists, but one day you read it and it slaps you upside the head and you see it in a totally new light?

Yesterday, for me, that was Revelation 21:8.

It says,

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

As I read it, it whacked me in the head that FEAR IS SIN.

Then this morning (why it is for TODAY), God brought me across Proverbs 12:4, “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband:” A well know verse many of us can rattle off quickly. In the center column lives a note referring to this verse. It says,

“lit. a woman of valor

A woman of valor?


I grabbed one of my favorite books, Noah’s 1828, and read the definition of “valor”.

It says,

“Strength of mind in regard to danger; that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery; courage; intrepidity; prowess.”


Strength of mind regarding danger.

Encounter danger with firmness – personal bravery no less?  and courage?

I have been living in fear of the unknown. Fear of not knowing what the future holds.

Fear does not go hand-in-hand with valor.

To hike as a virtuous woman, I can’t hike with Fear as my hiking companion.

(Though it may try to keep close on my heels…)

I must hike with Trust as my hiking companion.

I need to continue placing my trust in God, my heavenly Father.

Through His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, He will keep me in “perfect peace” as I keep my mind focused, unwavering, rock steady (not unstable as water), on Christ, trusting in the Lord.

He will continue to give strength as I hike along, toward my home in heaven.

How about you? Will you trust in the Lord and leave Fear in the dust?




Light For Your Hike, Day 8 …and a prayer request


In the way of righteousness is life;

and in the pathway thereof there is no death.

~Proverbs 12:28


Prayer Request:

Join me in praying for a dear friend of mine.

Sheila was a gift to me from the Lord, while I was on the mission field.

Though she grew up in the church that was our home/sending church,

I did not truly get to know her until God put us near each other on the mission field.

There we spent many an evening…

hiding in the comfort of air-conditioned bedrooms,

folding laundry,

scratching and sniffing Yankee Candle catalogs from her sweet sister’s care package,

eating fresh guacamole,

washing dishes (by hand!),

crying tears of joy from laughter,

and those from heartache.

Sharing moments…

from our childhoods,

our days in Okalahoma,

and the deputation trail (raising our missions support),

experiences with culture shock,

raising kids in a foreign culture,

and homesickness.

We drank gallons of coffee,

ate mocha chocolate chip muffins,

and shared our latest find from in the Import Aisle of the grocery store.

We have shared times of joy as she visited me at the hospital when my youngest was born.

We have shared times of ‘faith-testing’ and a trip to the same hospital

which followed her frantic call,

telling of disaster;

a young son’s head gashed open,

of blood pouring,

and her husband being more than an hour’s drive away at the mission church.

Thankful, to serve, to wrap fresh towel and carry to van,

to drive and watch over sons unhurt, and receive the call, “He’s gonna be okay.”

I left with few words, not knowing what to say,

it left me feeling we were on shaky ground,

though we were still both standing firm on the Rock.

I was glad God brought healing there,

it came with the word


close on its heels.

A hard eucharisteo.

Please pray with me, for Sheila,

as she battles against that which is waging an unwanted war within her.

She now faces a bone marrow transplant.


As I grapple with the variety of possibilities

(because there are many and physical death is only one)

the future may hold,

God brought this verse to mind and whispered,

there is no death.

For truly,



just a bend in the trail,

where lies a new beginning,

of things more wonderful than we can ever imagine.

Light For Your Hike, Day 7


“Therefore I will look unto the LORD;

I will wait for the God of my salvation:

my God will hear me.

Rejoice not against me,

O mine enemy:

when I fall,

I shall arise;

when I sit in darkness,

the LORD shall be a light unto me.”

~Micah 7:7&8


Depression is my darkness,

the only way through it,

is to keep looking toward the light.

The LORD is my light.

Is He your light as you hike along?


Hiking Toward Home