As I wandered the beach with grains of sand under my feet so numerous they could not be counted, I was reminded of God’s wonderful works and his thoughts toward me.
More than can be numbered…
Many, O LORD my God,
are thy wonderful works which thou hast done,
and thy thoughts which are to us-ward:
they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee:
if I would declare and speak of them,
they are more than can be numbered.
~Psalm 40:5
And thoughts of peace…
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
~Jeremiah 29:11
How good God is to me…
Even though they can’t be numbered in their entirety, it is a good practice to try anyway…
796. the twinkling lighs of fireflies scattered in the quiet darkness of the yard
797. quiet hum of the air conditioner upstairs
798. gentle breeze of the ceiling fan overhead
799. brilliant red cardinal perched upon a black roof
800. the opportunity to take care of my dad
801. the smell/fragrance of freshly cut grass
802. waking up at “home”
803. he jumped out of the car exclaiming, “its good to be home!”
804. dogs wet with morning dew after rolling around in the grass together
805. dogs running free and oh-so-happy in a fenced in yard
806. children splashing, laughing, giggling…
807. Grandma’s pool
808. the thunderstorm went around us
809. genuine friends
810. “you cannot loose a friend you don’t have”
811. the path left behind where feet have trod through morning dew drenched grass
812. size ten jeans, and they are somewhat loose (I haven’t been able to wear them since 2007!)
813. truth found in God’s word
814. early morning fog
815. falling asleep and waking up, hearing nothing but the hum of the fridge
816. his hand warm and soft, yet firm in mine
817. early morning stroll on the beach
818. kicking a tennis ball down the beach together
819. it’s so clear you can see Atlantic City from 30 miles away
820. mimosa blossoms, smell so sweet, and I love how they look so soft and fluffy
821. spirals of conch shells
822. resisted buying the fudge
823. the fudge tasted so wonderful, glad it was just a sample
824. Starbucks with my husband, him reading a book, me surfing blogs
825. dinner on the beach
826. watching the sunset over the bay
827. early morning stroll while watching the sunrise
828. seagulls that laugh
829. early morning kayaking on the back bay
830. Mary Ann Pastry Shoppe’s Cream Filled Donuts
831. Black Berry Blast ice cream from The Yum Yum Affair… oh, that’s right they renamed it YUM YUMS… I’ll stick with the old name.
832. full rainbow stretching its arms across the sky, His promise continuing to be fulfilled with each passing day
833. 18 years of wedded bliss
834. I said yes after 18 days and 18 years later I am still saying yes every. single. day.
835. I’m so thankful that I married my best friend
Linking up over at Ann’s today.

Won’t you join in and start keeping a list of the gifts of grace He has blessed you with each moment of the day.
Start your own or list a few below in the comments.
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