Attempted Murder

I have so much to blog about from vacation and I have received my first blogger award from sweet Hyacynth. But my blogging has been halted for a while. So though I want to respond right now… it may be a while longer.

While I was vacationing at a cottage by the ocean, a thunder storm woke the kids up at about 4:30AM. So we all got up and turned on the laptops and downloaded all our photos from the day. As the lightening let up and the rain continued, we went back to bed. HOWEVER, we left the computers on the kitchen table. AND THE ROOF LEAKED. DRIP. DRIP. DRIPPING directly on the little apple on my MacBook. There it sat in a puddle on the table. I thought it was dead. Since it came back to life maybe it was just comatose for a while. It turns on but it keeps telling me my USB port is drawing too much power AND THERE ISN’T EVEN ANYTHING PLUGGED INTO THE USB. And it reminds me at least every. thirty. seconds. It is rather irritating.
It has an appointment at the doctor Apple today so I will soon find out the diagnosis of my laptop. 

I am praising the LORD that my external harddrive which was also wet does not seem to be damaged. Good thing, because I have 30,000+ photos on it and I have never printed anything. (and it is not backed up anywhere… INSANITY I know.) Including all my kids baby photos, everything from the last 6 years of our life, ministry, and people the Lord has allowed us to know on this side of heaven. The wonderful lady staying in the house next door and her daughter are also both MACSNOBS and allowed me to check my hard-drive on their MacBook. The library opened so it seems to be okay, although I did not browse the library. Hopefully it is okay since it opened without issues.

Guess I’ll be dumping some moolah into getting some photo albums made just in case or do I get them put on disc? I wonder if Dave Ramsey would consider printing photos a necessity.

How about you? do you print every photo you take? or do you put them on disc? If you print them do you get them into photo albums right away? or do you scrapbook them? Do you print your family photos and not your artsy photos? or do you print them too? and do you frame them? There are so many that I want to frame, I could wallpaper my entire house with them and choosing which to actually print and frame seems a bit overwhelming when you consider how many there are to choose from.

Sunday Creative: “Naked”

Twelve years ago, my dad and I wallpapered my parents bedroom. After a few years the paper started to peel and the grandkids of various ages picked at the loose edges. Now it is no longer my parents bedroom but a room for visiting grandchildren, they have 8 of them, well 9 if you count the furry favorite one. (wink, wink)
As I am banished from my house visiting my parents this week, my mom mentioned that she thought it would be fun for the kids to have a go at tearing the wall paper off the wall. What fun! To rip and tear and pick at loose edges with full permission from grandma!!
So yesterday I let them at it. It was great fun! I spent the remainder of the day and some of this morning finishing up with the few stubborn strips left over.
We chose paint and Dad and my oldest and I started the job of painting the room. I picked soothing colors. I was looking for cool spa type relaxing colors. So we started with a light blue on the accent wall and we chose a very light lilac for the remaining walls.
This week’s Sunday Creative prompt was NAKED. The definition listed said, “without its natural covering.” The whole time I was stripping wallpaper I kept chuckling to myself “there it is! the wall is NAKED!” Now I know it is not very creative to take photos of STRIPPING wall paper off a wall, but it was such great fun to do and I could not resist the fun of it. So here it is:

and a few other fun ones from the day…
Will update later on the finished project.

What do YOU do with Tinker Toys?

 I am celebrating Tuesdays Unwrapped by finding and enjoying creativity in my kids. The oldest loves to write. The second in line loves to draw and do anything artistic.
My kids did not play with of some of the most common of classic stateside toys while they lived in the southern Philippines. You know those things you are supposed to BUILD things out of? TINKER TOYS?
Well, here is what my son has been doing with them:

Wonder if he has issues with the bad storms we have been getting lately?

Hiking Toward Home