Category Archives: Gratitude List

Gratitude: My 1000th Gift

For a little over a year now, I have been recording my gratitude list in this space on Mondays. (If you haven’t read Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts yet, I highly recommend it.) I have definitely noticed a difference in the times I keep my Gift List Journal out and visible and the times I...

Gratitude: Worship

As my pastor preached yesterday about worship and how true worship comes from gratitude, I smiled wide and wrote… “gratitude listing = worship.” Join me in worship… Thank you Heavenly Father for… 967. “I like puddles.” she says from her perch in the aft of the van… 968. “know what’s the best thing about puddles...

Gratitude: Choosing Gratitude

It has been a very long time since I posted my gratitude list. A few things have come into focus in the last few weeks. 1. Gift listing does keep depression at bay. When I avoid the hunt for small elephant-sized grace gifts He bestows each and every day, I notice a difference. 2. My journey...

Hiking Toward Home