Category Archives: (in)courage

Fear faced. It Is Finished.

Last year, I wrote a post on (in)courage about facing fear. I had been inspired by  the Emily and Emily to get back to my art of watercolor after a 20 year hiatus. It took me a long while to start that painting and it has taken me just as long to finish it. The...

Won’t You Join Us?

I am really looking forward to the (in)RL event coming up in April. An event put on by I’m hoping to host some ladies in my home some may not even be bloggers. The cool thing about this is: YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE!! and it doesn’t matter what part of the world you...

I Really Need To Get Over It

I have a fear, I know in the depths of my heart, I really need to get over. Fear of failure. Fear that it will be more messy than beautiful. But can’t the messy be beautiful too? Won’t you come on over to (in)courage and find out if it can be? I’m writing over there...

Hiking Toward Home