Category Archives: Faith

Relevant Conference Update

relevant |ˈreləvənt|adjective closely connected That word holds so much more meaning to me than it used to. After checking into the conference, I went up to my room and began to go through the goodie bag that I had been given. There in the bottom, almost lost amid the books and leaflets, was a small black bag with...

Gratitude… Catching Up Once Again

116. Little boys -well, not quite so little anymore- excited about Lego117. Plans cancelled making way for a day of catching up118. a girlie little girl119. watching the fascination on the face of one in the tub while playing with bubbles120. the calming and encouraging voice supporting me121. in my first ever jump into being...

A Path, His Presence, and Pleasures Forevermore

“Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” ~Psalm 16:11 The first time I read this verse as a new Christian, it was written on the back of a photograph of my pastor’s 15 year old daughter. She had just blessed me with her newest photo of herself and this was her “life verse.” I was 20, but just a...

Gratitude: Multitudes on Monday

101. knowing I am Relevant in Christ, whether anyone else thinks so or not102. thanking certain people in person, for their ministry103. realizing a prayer, from years ago and a different side of the earth, was answered104. a mom willing to ‘road trip’ at a moment’s notice105. falling more in love with my husband pastor,...

Correcting "myself"

Relevant I was misquoted on Saturday night by someone in front of 200+ people. Not a situation in which you jump up and yell, “that’s NOT what I said!” I can’t remember exactly what he said but I do know that he changed it enough that he changed the meaning of what I said because...

Hiking Toward Home